Lawn Care – Lawn Treatments – Do it yourself vs. hire a professional?

Over the years at Mathis Outdoors Inc. we have had the opportunity to deliver quality turf management to thousands of clients in CowetaCountyGa. and FayetteCountyGa. In that time we have learned that many do it yourself lawn enthusiast prefer that we do their chemical lawn applications. Why is this?

All of our clients have three things in common. First, they want a beautiful lawn. Second, they want dependable service from a trained professional. Third, they want to spend the least amount possible to get dependable results.

If you were to go to Home Depot or Lowes today and pick up a bag of “Name Brand Fertilizer” you will pay up to $56.00 for 12000 square feet (an average lawn size). Mathis Outdoors Inc. can treat your lawn with high quality products that “Brand Name Fertilizers” cannot compete with. In addition, the price is approximately the same. Other variables factor into the quality of your results such as timing of the application and making sure the calibration of your application is correct. The bottom line is this: If you have never tried professional lawn treatments, you should. Your results will improve while you save money.

Call us today!

Mathis Outdoors Inc. Turf Treatments (770)301-5643

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